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november 3-6, 2024
chicago, illinois, usa

PACK EXPO International Partner Associations are Advancing the Packaging and Processing Industry

PACK EXPO International partner associations are integral to the idea-sharing and networking opportunities available at the show. Partner Associations help to create connections across the packaging and processing industry, providing valuable resources and enriching the attendee experience.

Ready to become a Partner?

If members of your organization attend PACK EXPO International, your organization should have a presence at the show!

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Join us in bringing the industry together, with a completely customizable program.

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Join our growing list of partners...

3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc.
ABRE - Brazilian Packaging Association
AIP - Australian Institute of Packaging
APPMA - Australian Packaging & Processing Machinery Assn.
APR - Association of Plastic Recyclers
ARC - Association for Roll-to-Roll Converters
Anuga FoodTec
Automate UK
BEMA - Bakery Equipment Manufacturers and Allieds
CCTI - Composite Can and Tube Institute
Cold Pressure Council
Consme Brand Association
Digital Twin
FPA - Flexible Packaging Association
FSEA - Foil & Specialty Effects Association
FTA - Flexographic Technical Association
Fispal Tecnologia
IAE - Instituto Argentino Del Envase
IBWA - International Bottled Water Association
IMDA - In-Mold Decorating Association
ISBT - International Society of Beverage Technologists
IoPP - Institute of Packaging Professionals
MHI Automation Industry Groups
NCA - National Confectioner's Association
OMAC - The Organization for Machine Automation and Controls
OPC Foundation
RPA - Reusable Packaging Association
ReMA - Recycled Materials Association
SNAC International
UCIMA - Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association