you want to be

november 3-6, 2024
chicago, illinois, usa

Get Ready for PACK Match! Your Personalized Supplier Connection

Interested in one-on-one guidance to locate a product or service? 

Whether you are an emerging brand or a well-established household name, PMMI’s PACK Match Advisors are available for 30-minute virtual consultations pre-show to help guide you to the right suppliers and maximize your time on-site at PACK EXPO International 2024. This exclusive opportunity will be available to registered attendees free of charge.

PACK Match registration is now closed but you can get expert advice onsite at the Ask the Expert stations located at booth N-4552 and LU-6900.

Please note: This service is only available to end-user buyers of packaging, processing or related solutions who have registered to attend PACK EXPO International 2024. Meetings are assigned on a first come-first, served basis and spots are limited.